Canada social change Women and Girls

Top 10 Non-Profits for Gender Equality in Canada

Gender Equality in Canada

Gender equality remains an important topic in today’s society, since it represents the equal rights, opportunities, treatment and roles in society, and voting rights of women and LGBTQ+ individuals to have the same rights as men. It can also represent women and LGBTQ+ individuals in minority groups such as BIPOC, since sometimes BIPOC or Indigenous individuals may be deemed inferior to white men and women in some parts of Canada. It is often overlooked because of things like the women’s suffrage movement, but we must realize that gender equality includes things like menstrual affordability and safe spaces for women of the same culture to express their feelings without being judged. This article highlights ten non-profit organizations that promote gender equality in Canada.

Top Non-Profits

The Period Purse

Founded in 2017 in Toronto, The Period Purse is dedicated to supporting menstrual equity by ensuring sustainable access to period products for all, and by ending the stigma associated with periods through education and advocacy. Since its founding, they have distributed more than 5 million period products. Lately, they have partnered with LGBTQ+ organizations to fund free period products for BIPOC and LGBTQ+ people. The Period Purse strives for dignity, education, and sustainable accessibility of period products for all. Having started in Toronto, the Period Purse is currently expanding their efforts to other provinces and territories in Canada, with a goal to be operating in all of Canada.

Native Women’s Association of Canada

The Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) is an Indigenous organization founded in 1974 that defends the rights and perspectives of Indigenous women, girls, and other gender-diverse people in Canada. Their mission is to advocate for and inspire Indigenous women, girls, Two-Spirit, transgender, and gender-diverse people, and the families of many Indigenous nations. They strive for a world that respects the gender equality of all Indigenous peoples. They focus on employment, affordable healthcare, violence prevention, and justice for all Indigenous women, girls, and LGBTQ+ people. They are now engaging in both national and international advocacy that promote equality for this group of people.

Equality Fund

Founded in 2013 and a Canadian-based organization, the Equality Fund strives for an era of abundance for women, girls, and transwomen to take charge in urgent social challenges. It is the largest self-sustaining fund for gender equality in the world, having been inspired by past feminist movements in history. They work with global partners to build sustainable investments in feminist movements. The Equality Fund works with philanthropists for funding to advance gender equality. Their values include mutual respect, intersectionality, collaboration, and collective power building among women, girls, and transwomen both in Canada and worldwide. Their goal is to build a more equitable world for everyone.

Fara Network for Change

Founded in 2009 and previously named G(irls)20, Fara Network for Change has a focus on empowering the leadership development of young women while removing gender equality barriers. They primarily train and educate young women in leadership and make more gender-inclusive spaces. They help young women gain new skills and confidence to change the status quo and make change where they are.

Canadian Women’s Foundation

Founded in 1986, the Canadian Women’s Foundation was the first national organization in Canada that advocates for gender equality. It was founded because two politicians from BC agreed that there needed to be a way for women to target charitable giving towards advancing gender equality in Canada. The organization tackles economic security, violence prevention, and more for women and girls across Canada. Its values include inclusivity, diversity, and community and their goal is to pave the way for a more equitable society where every woman can thrive and live equally to others.

Coralus (SheEO)

Since its launching in 2015, Coralus (formerly called SheEO) has expanded from its headquarters in Canada all the way to Australia, New Zealand, the US, and the UK. Their mission is to share their resources to build community and promote equity, inclusivity, and balance and gender equality. Some notable achievements include more than 120 ventures in 5 global regions and over $8 million raised in community capital circulations. Coralus’s ultimate goal is to get resources to women and non-binary people who advocate for critical global issues, and they do this by providing training, networks, and connections for their clients.

Girls Action Foundation

Girls Action Foundation was started in 1995 by three girls fresh out of high school who had entrepreneurial passions to foster change in the lives of women and girls in Canada. They nurture leadership, critical thinking, and social justice to train clients with the necessary leadership skills to change their communities. They address social barriers through innovative programs and partnerships with other organizations across Canada. Their mission is to create a future where every girl can realize her full potential and contribute to a more just and equitable society. Since 2003, they have grown to incorporate over 300 members in every province and territory. Their values are innovation, leadership, inclusion, change, and creative force.

Good to be Good Foundation

Founded in 2015, the Good to be Good Foundation is a GTA-wide organization serving and empowering women and LGBTQ people in marginalized communities. Their mission is to build a kind, connected, and equal world. They provide social services, integrated programming, and more to various communities, aiming for gender equality and equal opportunities. Their vision is a world that values all life regardless of what it is. In 2023 alone, they showcased 14 small business days for International Women’s Day and was chosen as one of the 83 non profit organizations to receive a GlobalGiving fund for their organization.

Black Moms Connection

Black Moms Connection was founded in 2015 by award-winning Tanya Hayles, who started with a group of 12 women in Toronto to create a safe space for black women. They are a community that fosters empowerment and solidarity among black mothers in Canada. For example, they offer safe spaces for sharing parenting and mental health advice, experiences, and resources on social media. They organize events, workshops, and partnerships across several cities in Canada. Notable achievements include being an online global village of 30,000 people all over North America and Asia, and being recognized as a non-profit in Canada in 2016.

Black Women in Motion

Black Women in Motion was founded in 2013. At that time, it was a youth-led organization that supports and empowers the advancement of Black women, non-binary people, and gender fluid people. They focus on empowering those minority groups and also survivors of gender-based violence. Their values include equity, a sense of belonging, integrity, collaboration, and service excellence. The organization includes many programs, including the Black Youth Employment Assistance Program, Black Peer Education Network, Love Offering Community Emergency Relief Fund, and way more initiatives, internships, and workshops. Their goal is to bring education and a sense of community to a much broader audience in Canada.


The work done by these non-profit organizations addresses a wide range of challenges and barriers against gender equality, and strives to advocate for and promote gender equality in Canada. These organizations are doing a variety of initiatives to advocate for gender equality among men, women, and LGBTQ+ people in a variety of minority groups across Canada, and some also work with domestic and gender violence survivors and menstrual rights. Each contribution, no matter the size, can have a significant impact and change lives.


About the author

Matea Tam