The water crisis is the insufficiency of freshwater resources to meet environmental and human demands. The shortage of drinking water is the first concern for global growth, so the water crisis is directly related to human rights.
However, because of the challenges of the growing population, changes in weather due to global warming, excessive use, and population growth, many major cities and countries worldwide are facing crises of water pollution. The world population has increased in the 20th century, so the use of water resources has grown six-fold. There are many great charities that help with the water crisis.
Moreover, within the next fifty years, it is expected that the world population will increase by 40 to 50%. Therefore, the population growth coupled with urbanization and industrialization will be an increasing need for freshwater. Even well-established countries like Canada are also facing the issue of water crisis because of the growing needs of industries. However, we all are accountable for saving water after knowing the causes and effects of the water crisis.
Mechanism of Water Crisis:
There are generally two kinds of water scarcity: economic and physical. The absolute or physical water crisis is a result of regions’ demand exceeding the limited water resources found there.
According to the food and agricultural organization, 1.2 billion populations live in a region of physical scarcity, and most of these people are from arid areas. Physical water crisis can be seasonal, and an estimated two-thirds of the global population lives in the region subjected to the seasonal water crisis. The number of affected people by the water crisis is expected to grow with the increase in population which will result in the crisis of water pollution.
People Lacking Water:
More than one out of six people lack safe drinking water in access, and almost more than two out of six lack enough sanitation. According to reports, 3900 children die every day because of water-borne diseases.
One may think that these figures are adequate to represent people with insufficient water supply conditions. But in reality, these figures are higher as the sources are becoming scarce. When we have a look worldwide, we will come to know that over 260 river basins are mutual among the two countries. So, in the absence of agreements and strong institutions, changes can lead to transboundary tensions.
Impact of the Water Crisis in Canada:
Canada is one of the wealthiest countries in the world that is also rich in water. But this is not true for most of the first nation’s indigenous people. The water supplied to many aboriginal areas is hard to access, and people are at risk because of the faulty treatment system.
Some of the water crisis occurs naturally and some results from poor water waste management system. This kind of water contamination can have health effects which range from the serious risk of cancers to gastrointestinal disorders.
Environmental and Agricultural Crisis:
The environmental and agricultural changes are responsible for the water crisis. You need to know the causes and effects of the water crisis for using water in moderation to avoid such circumstances.
The security of food has been increased in the past thirty years and the water abolition for irrigation shows 34% of water is in use by domestic and up to 90% is in use by arid areas. Moreover, the lifestyle of people keeps changing with the increasing population, and the water using proportion is also increasing.
The excessive use of water by humans not only reduces water availability for agricultural and industrial development but has significant effects on ecosystems and their dependent species. The environmental balances are the way that will help you to know how to stop the water crisis.
Towards a Way to Improve the Situation:
There is water scarcity today, but it does not mean we don’t have enough water to satisfy our needs. It is improper management of water usage, so billions of people in the world are badly suffering according to the world water vision report.
However, we need to measure the way how to stop the water crisis to avoid worsening conditions. Our freshwater resources are limited both in quality and quantity. It is a challenging situation not only for the water community but for every human being. Here are some steps to avoid a water crisis that will help everyone to manage their requirements.
Saving Water Recourses:
Whether you are using water for domestic, industrial, or agricultural purposes, improving and saving water management is possible. Water is being wasted at places where people are not facing the issue of the water crisis. They think water is a natural and obvious thing, but with changes and urbanization in lifestyle, water consumption is increasing. The changing of food habits can reduce the problem.
For example, 1kg of potatoes growth requires 100 litres of water, whereas 1kg of beef needs 13,000 litres of water. So you can save water up to a great extent when you know the causes and effects of the water crisis.
Upgrading Drinking Water Supply:
Water is an essential thing to live in and should be recognized as a preference. One of the main objectives of the world water council is to enhance the awareness of water problems. On the other hand, one of the Millennium development goals is to stop the crisis of water pollution by providing people sustainable access to sanitation and safe drinking water. Here are several different measures to improve the drinking water supply such as:
- Guarantee the right to water
- Decentralize water responsibility
- Improve and increase financing
- Develop understanding at the local level
- Monitor and evaluate water resources
Increasing Transboundary Cooperation:
As far as transboundary disputes are concerned, cultural preservation and regional economic development can be build up. Water management can be viewed as a trend towards peace and corporation. Many initiatives are being launched to avoid a water crisis.
Grenn Cross international and UNESCO have joined forces in response to the increasing threat of conflicts linked to water. They introduced joint cooperation programs to potential conflicts in the use of transboundary water resources by addressing fostering and conflicts among stakeholders and states.
Social and Economic Solutions:
Numerous studies have shown that high prices of water lower the crisis of water pollution. However, increasing prices are politically and publicly unpopular in different places. So the policymakers should be careful about the water crisis, as it’s the solution for water problems among poor communities.
The water tax on heavy users could put off wasteful water consumption in agriculture and industry not affect household water price. Industrial agriculture is the main contributor to water pollution and crisis from fertilizer runoff, pesticides, and animal wastes.
Therefore, the incentive organic farming and policies serve in the protection of water resources from agricultural pollutants.
Final Thoughts
Water scarcity is a serious issue, but after knowing the causes and effects of the water crisis, one can easily resolve this problem. The agro-climatic zoning should be preferred by raising positive awareness. Various sectors require a different quantity of water, so building institutional government capacity can reduce water usage in all sectors.
The experts reported that urbanization and demographic transitions are the reasons for water scarcity. Therefore, the water sector demands financial water resources to reduce these problems.
Donate to Water First, a Canadian Charity focused on Water in Canada.