Canada Health Research Healthcare Social Service

7 Top Mental Health Charities that works with teenagers in Canada

mental health charity
These charities are working tirelessly to improve the state of teen mental health in Canada. All work hard to ensure that teens, parents, and providers have the support they need to stay mentally healthy in today's busy world.

The teenage years are a tumultuous time. Amid puberty and social pressures, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. The pressure to succeed academically and socially can lead to stress and anxiety. Unfortunately, this can lead some teens down a dark path where they feel like they have no one to turn to.

Teenage mental health charities aim to provide support for young people who may be struggling with their mental health issues, or those who have friends or family members who are struggling with them. These charities also strive to educate people about mental illness so that they can better understand how it affects people and learn how they can help them through difficult times.

7 Canadian Charities for Teen Mental Health

Teenage Mental Health Charities in Canada is dedicated to raising awareness about mental health issues that affect teenagers. These charities assist with the most common mental illnesses, including symptoms and treatments.

Below include details of Canadian mental health charities that you can support with your donations or volunteer work.

These 7 Canadian charities for teen mental health support youth in different ways and cater to different needs. So whether you want to find out more about depression or anxiety, get support for yourself or your friend, or learn how to help others deal with their mental health, these organizations can help.

1.    Youth Mental Health Canada

Education, support, and advocacy for youth mental health and wellness promotion and change are the primary focuses of Youth Mental Health Canada, a grassroots, youth-driven, and led non-profit organization based in Canada. 

To mainstream the dialogue surrounding mental health, they are putting a lot of effort into developing and producing youth mental wellness tool kits for kids in Canada. They are building materials that are culturally sensitive, trauma-informed, strength-based, and evidence-based. They are dedicated to ensuring that those who are most in need of help for their mental health and overall wellness are the ones who receive it: young people.

They have a Speakers Bureau that is comprised of mental health activists who are well known and recognized on a national scale and who can talk on several topics about mental health. To make the mental health tool kits a reality, they have a sizable Adolescents Advisory Group that is comprised of youth, young adults, and adult supporters who are working on several initiatives related to this endeavor.

They believe that both mental and physical health should be prioritized to the same extent. Sharing worldwide best practices and evidence-based news and information on mental health, youth, and societal concerns, they collaborate with clinicians, academics, researchers, suicidologists, and persons with lived experience of mental health disability and suicide loss and attempts from across the world.

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2.    Anxiety Disorders Association of Manitoba Incorporated

The Anxiety Disorders Association of Manitoba (ADAM) is a charity organization that is registered in Manitoba whose mission is to lessen the impact that anxiety has on all residents of the province. They provide assistance and services to people located everywhere in Manitoba and even farther away.

They also offer educational programs and workshops to help people better understand anxiety disorders and how they can be treated.

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3.    Calgary Counselling Centre

The Calgary Counselling Centre is a charity organization with the mission of offering counseling services that are caring, provided by trained professionals, and reasonably priced.

The Calgary Counselling Centre is filling a critically important void in the provision of mental health services. They firmly believe that no one should be turned away from receiving assistance due to financial constraints or allowed to deteriorate owing to a lack of timely care. They have been offering counseling services to everybody who has sought our assistance for the past 58 years, regardless of their financial situation or capacity to pay for them. The Center does not have a waitlist, which means that those who need assistance can receive it whenever it is required of them.

Since the beginning of the year 2020, they have experienced a demand for their services that has never been seen before, including a 15% increase in January and February alone. During the first wave of COVID-19 and the lockdown that lasted from the middle of March through the end of May, the number of service requests naturally fell. Since the beginning of June 2020, there has been a 15.8% rise in the number of requests for assistance in comparison to 2019. These trends are anticipated to continue as this charity continues to address the ongoing issues that COVID-19 presents.

As a result of the fact that many of their clients are economically insecure and live at or below the low-income cutoff for Calgary, they are eligible to receive financial subsidies to assist with the cost of their counseling. Nobody is ever refused service here. Many of their customers come from all different walks of life and speak English in addition to their native tongue. In the year 2020, Calgary Counselling Centre delivered more than 45,000 hours of counseling over the internet and had 403 clients participate in online group therapy sessions.

With your assistance, they will be able to continue to fulfill the increased demand for counseling services, ensuring that those who are experiencing feelings of being overwhelmed and nervous as a result of the current political climate can have access to the necessary assistance.

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4.    Thunder Bay Counselling

Thunder Bay Counselling Centre is a non-profit organization that provides counseling services to the residents of Thunder Bay and Northwestern Ontario. Their mission is to help children, youth, adults, and families build on their strengths and identify their goals for healing and growth. They also provide education to schools, teachers, parents, social workers, and other professionals on how to support mental health in children and youth.

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5.    Vancouver Association for The Survivors Of Torture (VAST)

A group of people concerned with human rights and mental health came together in Vancouver in 1986 to help the influx of Central American migrants seeking safety from civil war. In October of that year, they established what would become known as the Vancouver Association for Survivors of Torture, also known as “VAST.” With the help of a committed group of volunteers, they erected what would become British Columbia’s biggest center for refugee mental health.

Today, VAST assists individuals who have fled their homes in over one hundred different countries across Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America. Over a dozen other languages, including Arabic, Farsi, French, Mandarin, and Spanish, are supported by the many products and services that they provide.

Refugees who come to the province of British Columbia and have suffered psychological trauma as a consequence of torture, political violence, or other types of persecution on the grounds of race, religion, gender identity, or sexual orientation are eligible for mental health support services.

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6.    East York Mental Health Counselling Services Agency

The East York Mental Health Counselling Services Agency aims to meet the mental health needs of children, youth, and their families in the East York area. The organization provides counseling services to youth, as well as family counseling and therapy groups.

It is a community-based agency that offers a range of services to children, youth, and families. They provide counseling services for individuals and groups, as well as parenting groups and support groups for parents who have children with special needs. This charity also helps Canadians living with mental illness by providing them with information about available services and supports in their community. Their goal is to ensure that all Canadians receive timely access to quality mental health care when they need it most.

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7.    THRIVE Community Support Circle

To foster life, give chances for empowerment, and build the community that we serve, Thrive Community Support Circle is an inclusive and diverse organization that is committed to providing programs that are accessible to all people at all phases of their lives.

Thrive is an organization that has faith in the ability of individuals and communities to develop and bring about positive change. Through the provision of community services such as programming, therapeutic counseling, drop-in centers, thrift shops, and child care, they offer individuals the opportunities and support necessary to bring about the change in themselves and the community that is outlined in their journeys. They can provide community members with professional and supportive services within the constraints of their resources by working cooperatively with partnerships of other community agencies; recruiting qualified, caring, and like-minded staff, volunteers, and donors; and respecting the individuality of each person.

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These are seven teen mental health charities in Canada that you should know about. These organizations dedicate their time and resources to helping young people get the support they need. Supporting them would not only be important for the good of these individuals but would also ensure that there is an increase in awareness of teen mental health in Canada.

About the author

Circle Acts Team

United by a shared passion to make a difference, we're on a joyful mission: to spotlight the wonderful world of nonprofits, charities, and the incredible causes they champion.

Every article we craft is a labor of love, bursting with positivity and hope. We're firm believers in the magic of service and are constantly inspired by the countless unsung heroes working tirelessly for change. By donating our time and energy, we aspire to create ripples of awareness and inspire action. So, every time you read one of our articles, know it's penned with heaps of passion, a dash of joy, and a sprinkle of hope.

Cheers to making the world a brighter place, one story at a time!